Annual General Meeting in Polymer Factory Sweden AB (publ) was held today, 3 June 2021. In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the authorities’ regulations/advice on avoiding public gatherings, the Annual General meeting was held only by postal voting and thus without physical presence of shareholders, proxies, or external parties. Summarized below are the most important decisions from the Annual General Meeting.
Adoption of the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet
The Annual General Meeting adopted the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet for the Company for the 2020 financial year.
The company’s profits or losses according to the adopted balance sheet
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the Company’s results shall be carried forward in new account and that no dividend shall be paid for the financial year 2020.
The members of the board of directors’ and the CEO’s discharge from liability
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the board of directors and the CEO shall be discharged from liability for the financial year 2020.
Determination of the fees payable to the members of the board of directors and the auditor
The Annual General Meeting resolved that, until the end of the next annual general meeting, fixed Board fees be paid in the amount of SEK 155,000 to be distributed between the members of the board of directors who are not employed by the Company or related party to an employee of the Company. The Annual General Meeting also resolved that fees to the auditor should be paid in accordance with approved invoices and customary billing standards.
Election of members of the board of directors and auditor
In accordance with the proposal, the Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect Board members Eva Malmström Jonsson, Leif Gustafsson, Anders Hult, Michael Malkoch and Mats Wallnér. Eva Malmström Jonsson was re-elected Chairperson of the Board.
The Annual General Meeting elected PwC, represented by Niclas Bergenmo, as auditor.
Nomination Committee
In accordance with the proposal, the Annual General Meeting resolved that the Nomination Committee prior to the 2022 Annual General Meeting be established in accordance with the following process and with the following tasks;
The Nomination Committee shall propose to the Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting, number of Board members, fees to the Board, election of Board members, election of auditors, fees to the auditors and how the Nomination Committee shall be appointed.
The Nomination Committee shall consist of 3 persons.
It was also resolved that the Chairperson of the Board shall, based on the list of shareholders as of 30 September 2021, request representatives from the Company's 3 largest shareholders, who thereafter constitute the Company's Nomination Committee. If only 2 of the 3 largest owners are available to the Nomination Committee, the next owner shall be consulted in order of magnitude until at least three members are reached. The representative from one of the Company's largest owners shall be the chairperson of the Nomination Committee unless otherwise decided within the nomination committee.
For more information, please contact:
Elin Mignérus, CEO
Phone: +46 (0) 79 300 27 76
Polymer Factory (publ) is a leading global provider and producer of dendritic materials, with customers ranging from Big Pharma, MedTech and BioTech companies, to research-intensive institutes and academic research groups. The Company’s dendritic materials act as smart delivery systems that enhance the effects of the substances they carry, e.g., a vaccine or an anticancer drug. They have also shown great promise in diagnostics, tissue engineering and in the development of vaccines. In addition, Polymer Factory has used the Company’s vast knowledge and expertise to develop a patented calibration technology, named SpheriCal®, designed for Mass Spectrometry instruments. The Company’s dendritic nanotechnologies have the potential to accelerate innovation in technologically demanding sectors, such as MedTech and BioTech. Learn more at
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